Yarmouth Public Health Council (YPHC)

The Yarmouth Public Health Council is a grassroots organization that arose from the Yarmouth Community Coronavirus Task Force.

The Yarmouth Public Health Council (YPHC) is dedicated to enhancing and protecting the health and well-being of our community through collaboration with town departments, committees, organizations, and individuals. The YPHC will play a sentinel role in local public health and monitor threats on behalf of our community and if needed, coordinate a response.

The YPHC will assess the interest in and vision for this effort while building engagement by all in the community. The iterative process of listening, giving feedback, and revising will be included in every step of the process. The YPHC will initially focus on a few key activities including:

  • Assessing public health needs
    Developing a series of documents that identify public health needs and gaps in our community. These will be shared with community members and decision-makers. This will be done first through a review of available data, then interviews and focus groups across all demographics.

  • Identifying potential threats
    Through YHC expertise and research, scan for major health risks and opportunities and serving as a sentinel for developing problems.

  • Communication and education
    Serving as a trusted resource on health information through posting on the BeWellYarmouth.org website and Facebook. This includes reaching out to other Yarmouth entities (Council, staff, other committees, organizations, neighborhood groups). The YHC will serve as a place for people to go who have public health concerns.

  • Identifying Resources
    Identifying resources (individuals, financial, and institutional) and services to address public health. We are part of a larger community strategy that has been initiated by our Town Council, our Town Manager, EMS, Police, Fire, and all public servants. It is our goal that we participate in efforts to keep core services open, provide residents with safe ways to meet their needs and work together to mitigate the epidemic and maintain our personal/community health.